“Domino Park on the Williamsburg waterfront in Brooklyn is an example of what has become common in the era of limited city park budgets: a privately built and managed public space.The $50 million, 5-acre park achieves multiple goals: it is an attraction for residents of the new 11-acre mixed-use development surrounding the site, a public amenity, and a bulwark against rising tides. As part of a broader deal with the NYC government that enabled them to expand the total square footage of the development, the developer Two Trees agreed to design, build, and maintain the new public park, with the guidance of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation.”
— by Jared Green on THE DIRT blog, ASLA
Domino Park is the first phase of the transformation of the former Domino Sugar Factory site along Brooklyn’s East River into an ambitious mixed-use development project by Two Trees Management. Inspired by extensive community input, Domino Park reconnects the Williamsburg neighborhood to the East River for the first time in 160 years, by drawing public streets through to the river. The 5-acre riverfront park showcases the history of an iconic industrial waterfront site by integrating over 30 large-scale salvaged relics, including 21 original columns from the Raw Sugar Warehouse, gantry cranes, screw conveyors, bucket conveyors and syrup tanks into an interpretive and educational “Artifact Walk.” The park is raised above FEMA flood elevations with many native plant species that reduce stormwater runoff and function as an absorbent sponge, providing the first line of resilience against storm surge.
– from James Corner Field Operations, translation from archdaily.cn
Background on the Domino Sugar Redevelopment
自2004 年多米诺糖厂关闭后,由于城市、社区利益相关者以及从多米诺购买场地的开发团队就重建计划进行着长期辩论,这个 11 英亩的场地就一直处于“休眠”状态。最终,纽约市在 2010 年批准了用于住宅的用地性质更改,但在Two Trees开发管理公司在 2012 年收购土地时,该更改计划尚未实施。为了创建一个更好的重建计划,更好地满足这个多元化社区的需求,Two Trees于 2013 年启动了一个新的公众审批程序。由于具有广泛性和包容性的服务扩张,新提出的开发计划于 2014 年获得了批准。这些改进的计划包括将地标建筑多米诺制糖厂区域用于创意办公空间的适应性再利用、四个共能容纳 700 套经济适用房的混合用途住宅楼,以及一个占地 5 英亩(约2万平方米)并将社区与滨水区重新连接起来的带状公园,为当地居民提供了急需的开放空间,同时在原位置纪念和庆祝纽约制糖业的历史。
“Following the closure of the Domino Sugar Factory in 2004, this 11-acre site sat dormant as plans for redevelopment were debated by the City, community stakeholders and the development team that purchased the site from Domino. Ultimately, the City approved a residential rezoning in 2010. This plan had not yet been executed when Two Trees Management Company acquired the land in 2012. In an effort to create an improved redevelopment plan that better served the needs of this diverse community, a new public approval process was initiated by Two Trees in 2013. As a result of broad and inclusive outreach, new development plans were approved in 2014. These improved plans include the adaptive reuse of the Landmarked Domino Refinery for creative office space, four new mixed-use residential buildings that will house 700 units of affordable housing, and a five-acre linear park reconnecting the community to the waterfront and providing much-needed open space for local residents, while honoring and celebrating the history of the sugar trade in NYC. “
2018 年 6 月多米诺公园的正式营业标志着Two Trees管理公司兑现了向北威廉斯堡社区提供 6 英亩公共开放空间的承诺。多米诺公园由Two Trees管理公司与景观建筑公司 James Corner Field Operations 合作构思。多米诺公园是一个无与伦比的四分之一英里长的带状开放公园,位于威廉斯堡大桥以北,环抱纽约最具标志性的滨水工业区的历史 。
第一座混合用途建筑 Kent街325号 由SHoP Architects设计,并已于 2017 年开业。它包括 520 套公寓(其中 105 套由低收入居民居住),以及当地的优秀零售商如 Sky Ting Yoga、Mekelburg’s、一家餐厅由米其林星级厨师Missy Robbins主持的餐厅、Modern Chemist和一家当地葡萄酒商店。第二座混合用途建筑,由住宅区域1S1和商业办公区域Ten Grand Street组成,已于 2019 年开业。这座位于公园北端的建筑由 COOKFOX Architects设计,包括混合收入公寓、办公空间和社区零售,最受欢迎的商业包括 Roberta’s、Two Hands 餐厅以及设计商店 Beam等。
“The June 2018 opening of Domino Park represents the early fulfillment of a pledge by Two Trees Management Company to deliver 6-acres of public open space to the North Williamsburg community. Conceived by Two Trees in partnership with landscape architecture firm James Corner Field Operations, the lead designers of the High Line, Domino Park is an unrivaled quarter-mile public park located just north of the Williamsburg Bridge that celebrates the history of one of New York’s most iconic industrial waterfront sites.
The first mixed use building, 325 Kent, was designed by SHoP Architects and opened in 2017. It includes 520 apartments, 105 of which are occupied by low income residents, as well as exceptional local retailers like Sky Ting Yoga, Mekelburg’s, a restaurant by Michelin-star chef Missy Robbins, Modern Chemist, and a local wine store. The second mixed-use building, comprised of the residential One South First and the commercial Ten Grand Street, opened in 2019. This building on the North end of the park, designed by COOKFOX Architects, includes mixed income apartments, office space and neighborhood retail favorites including the eateries Roberta’s and Two Hands and the design store Beam.”
关于Two Trees开发管理团队
About Two Trees Management
自 1968 年成立以来,总部位于布鲁克林的房地产开发管理公司 Two Trees拥有、管理并开发了一系列房产区域,其中包括 6,000 多套混合收入公寓和超过 300 万平方英尺(约28万平方米)的办公和零售空间。Two Trees公司因其在将布鲁克林Dumbo区域从一个被忽视的滨水工业区转变为一个拥有创新技术公司、艺术画廊和表演场所的重要多功能社区中所发挥的作用而闻名。最近的Two Trees开发项目包含一千多套经济适用房,其中包括格林堡的 300 Ashland、地狱厨房区域的梅赛德斯之家、威斯酒店以及威廉斯堡多米诺糖厂重建的第一阶段等。
“Since its founding in 1968, Two Trees Management Company, a Brooklyn-based real estate development firm, has owned, managed and developed a real estate portfolio that includes more than 6,000 mixed-income apartments and over 3 million square feet of office and retail space. Two Trees is known for its role in transforming the Brooklyn neighborhood of Dumbo from a neglected industrial waterfront into a vital mixed-use community with innovative technology companies, art galleries and performance venues. Recent Two Trees developments — which contain well over one thousand units of affordable housing — include 300 Ashland in Fort Greene, Mercedes House in Hell’s Kitchen, the Wythe Hotel and the first phases of the Domino Sugar Factory redevelopment in Williamsburg.”
— 以上各段落原文引自Domino Park官方网站(翻译_刘松恺)
/ 有效公共空间
/ Effective Public Space
Accessiblity and Usability of Public Green
/ 工厂的“精神”延伸
/ Industrial Spirit in Landscape Form
Industrial Skeleton in the Park
Landscape Forms & Artifact
Industrialized Activity and Playground Setup
威廉斯堡里新建的多米诺公园里有纽约最吸睛且最创新的游乐场之一,由著名艺术家Mark Reigelman设计的多米诺公园游乐场。人们通常称多米诺游乐园为Sweetwater。为了向多米诺糖厂和其制糖历史致敬,孩子们可通过的游乐场的每一个部分,都代表着制糖过程中的一环。这些游乐场里的小家伙们可以在他们的游乐场之旅里爬坡,在管道,传送带和弹射滑梯之间穿梭。(文字来自设计师,翻译文字来自谷德设计网gooood.cn)
F&B with Landscape
Tacocina是由前纽约设计事务所MP Shift设计的墨西哥taco户外餐厅,“隐藏”于钢架之下,餐厅用很小的体量将一个快餐店融入公园之中,丰富的色彩与公园的主色调蓝色相互搭配,也融入了公园植被的多种颜色之中,巨大的招牌也个人带来制糖工厂的质感(品牌形象设计师为Grace Diebel)。
/ 在公园里应该有的心情
/ Your Mood in the Park Matters
Domino Park官方网站相关介绍:
James Corner Field Operations 该项目相关介绍:
艺术家/设计师Mark Reigelman对于Sweetwater Playground游乐设施的相关介绍:
Domino Park项目改造的介绍(文中有改造前后的照片对比,推荐查看):
Noë & Associates关于Domino Park标识系统设计的介绍(文中有大量关于设计细节的视频及图片介绍,推荐查看):
<Domino Park: Privately-owned Public Infrastructure> written by Jared Green(开发方与政府共建方式,建议阅读)