纽约 东河15号码头

从纽约市19世纪的两层休闲码头的传统中汲取灵感,15号码头成为了游客和周围社区居民的活动中心。拥有屋顶种植的开放空间被提升到第二层,恢复了几代人都没有看到过的海滨景色,同时也为下面的咖啡馆、海事教育中心、遮阳长廊和一个下到水面的 “瞭望台 “腾出了空间–使15号码头既能作为一个公共公园,又能作为一个使用中的码头。

New York East Pier 15

Taking cues from New York City’s 19th century tradition of two-story recreation piers, Pier 15 is a center of activity for visitors and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. A planted open space is elevated to a second level, restoring views of the waterfront that have not been seen in generations. The second level also frees space below for a café, a maritime education center, a shaded promenade, and a “lookout” that steps down to the water—allowing Pier 15 to function as both a public park and a working pier.

Architecture Designed by SHoP Architects