纽约 The Shed 艺术中心

“The Shed”开放式的基础设施可以为未知的未来提供永久的灵活性,并能够及时应对规模、媒体、技术和艺术家不断变化的需求。“The Shed” 37米高的可移动外壳由一个裸露的钢斜架建造,外覆一层半透明的垫层,垫层由聚氟乙烯(ETFE)和轻质特氟隆聚合物制成。这种材料具有绝缘玻璃的隔热性能,并且仅相当于绝缘玻璃的一小部分重量。“The Shed” 的聚氟乙烯面板是有史以来最大的面板,在一些地放其长度接近21米。

New York The Shed Center for the Arts

The Shed’s open infrastructure can be permanently flexible for an unknowable future and responsive to variability in scale, media, technology, and the evolving needs of artists. The Shed’s 120-foot tall (37 m) movable shell is made of an exposed steel diagrid frame, clad in translucent cushions of a strong and lightweight Teflon- based polymer, called ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE). This material has the thermal properties of insulating glass at a fraction of the weight. The Shed’s ETFE panels are some of the largest ever produced, measuring almost 70 feet (21 m) in length in some areas.