上海 崇明岛竹岚

设计师尝试在“场域”中的营造“空间”,通过对不同活动需求的形式来 突破场域边界来,实现陌生人之间的互动以及亲子之前的嬉戏交流。人们可以在这样的环境下,休憩、交谈和穿梭,体验各自舒适的社交距离和范围。

Shanghai Chongming Island Bamboo Pavilion

Designers introduced the field theory. Interactions in between family members or strangers are realized by the space attracting people to break the boundaries. People spend their time resting, talking and transiting around this installation. They finally build up a sense of intimacy and connection by traveling from one field to another, experiencing from a comfortable social distance to a tense social distance.

Architecture Designed by Lin architecture